Tuesday, 21 September 2010

On-Road entertainment

When I bought a scooter I thought I was finally going to be independent. I loved the idea of riding to work all by myself. No more waiting for the husband to come and pick me up. No more being dependant on him to drop me to places. I do love the thought….still. However I am also waking up to the reality….or the other side of my rosy dream.

Facing the traffic on a scooter, keeping an eye on the traffic signals, trying to avoid other riders who cut lanes, turn corners or overtake without signaling, people who cross the roads fearlessly at any time regardless of the flow of traffic and expect the people who drive to wait on them…..Well, all this sounds amusing if you view it from the comforts of the car but if you are in this chaos, heaven help you!

If this isn’t enough entertainment, there is the municipal council providing you with extras. Roads dug up at the most inconvenient places and traffic diverted…or the traffic diverting itself to whatever road is available in whatever fashion every person prefers. So you have people switching lanes as they would stroll through a park, ignoring signals and giving a few other drivers a fright...and if all this still fails to amuse you, you have the occasional cows strolling or even parking themselves in the middle of the busy by lanes providing effective diversions.

Braving the traffic in the morning and in the evening is no mean task. Yet I find myself doing it every day for the past few days. Why? Is it because I lack entertainment in my life? I guess it is because; I too, like other people in that throng have to reach work on time! Sigh!